Duale Studium an der Berufsakademie (m/w/d)

About this job

Duale Studium an der Berufsakademie (m/w/d)

Geschäftsstelle Berlin and Geschäftsstelle Hamburg

Berlin und Hamburg

Ms. Solveig Surner


+49 351 25859-2780


Duales Studium an der Berufsakademie

Als Praxispartner betreuen wir dich im Rahmen deines dualen Studiums und beziehen dich vom ersten Tag an in die verschiedenen Bereiche der Arbeitswelt bei Robotron ein.

Informationen zu den Vorteilen eines dualen Studiums bei Robotron und den gewünschten Qualifikationen für die Studiengänge Wirtschaftsinformatik , Informationstechnik und Medieninformatik
findest du hier.

Weitere allgemeine Informationen zum Studium, den Studieninhalten und der Studienorganisation erhältst du unter www.ba-sachsen.de.



This Job or job advertisement as ‚Duale Studium an der Berufsakademie (m/w/d)‘ is advertised for the following addresses: Albert-Einstein-Straße 16, 12489 Berlin, Wendenstraße 379, 20537
Short profile of the Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH
We are service provider in an innovation-driven market with customers in the energy sector, industry and public administrations. The efficient management and evaluation of large amounts of
data is our core competence. Our practically oriented software solutions provide significant benefits to your value chain and are complemented by a wide range of individual and
customer-oriented services.
Being your reliable partner by speaking the respective technical language and understanding your processes is our self-image.
Driving digitalization forward with innovative IT solutions, speaking the same language with our customers and being a reliable and stable partner for our companions and employees – this is
the DNA and self conception of Robotron. As a long-established company, we see ourselves as pioneers and at the same time co-creators of the digital future – regionally and globally.

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