Assembler (m/f/d) – Production of electric motors



Du bist ein Allrounder (m/w/d) als Monteur mit Erfahrung im Bereich Elektromotorenbau und magst es über den Tellerrand hinaus auch gelegentlich andere Aufgabenbereiche zu erledigen?
Perfekt, dann suchen wir genau Dich als Editor (m/w/d) für die Fertigung von Elektromotoren mit Start ab 17,00 €/h brutto für unseren namhaften Kunden in Dresden.

Apply easily without CV at 0351-422861 3.

We offer you:

  • Above-tariff pay from day 1
  • A permanent employment contract according to iGZ
  • Weekly advances available
  • Granting vacation within the probationary period
  • Special payments such as holiday and Christmas bonuses
  • Individual further training and qualification opportunities
  • A long-term and future-oriented commitment to our customer companies with the option to be taken over
  • A trusting, appreciative and collegial collaboration with your Dresden Wackler team
  • provision of high-quality workwear

Your profile:

  • handwerkliche oder technische Ausbildung, z. B. als KFZ-Mechatroniker, Mechatroniker, Elektroniker, Industriemechaniker m/w/d oder in vergleichbaren Berufsbildern
  • Basiskenntnisse zu elektrischen Maschinen/Antrieben und Schaltplänen
  • Kranschein von Vorteil
  • Schichtbereitschaft (Zwei-Schichtsystem)
  • Selbständige und zuverlässige Arbeitsweise, Belastbarkeit, Engagement, Teamfähigkeit

Your tasks:

  • Montage von Maschinen und Motoren bis hin zu kompletten Antriebssystemen
  • Arbeiten nach technischen Zeichnungen, Schaltplänen und Arbeitsanweisungen
  • Locksmith work
  • Löt- und Schweißarbeiten
  • Crane operation

Image text / employer introduction

As an established personnel service provider with 15 locations in Germany, Wackler Personal-Service GmbH has been placing qualified and motivated candidates (m/f/d) in medium-sized
companies and large corporations for over 15 years through direct placement and temporary employment. We are part of the Wackler Group, a modern service provider with over 8.500
employees at 44 branches nationwide. Out of love for the environment, we also take responsibility as a climate-neutral company and make our contribution to sustainability in
ecological, economic and social terms. In recognition of our sustainability performance, we have received the Platinum Medal from EcoVadis 10/2024. With this award, we are among the
top 1% of companies worldwide that have been rated by the renowned rating agency EcoVadis in the last twelve months.

Assembler (m/f/d) – Production of electric motors
Do you want to apply? Tell us more about yourself. You can do this easily online here: simply fill out the form, upload your documents and send them.